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A space of continuous growth & 


I am stoked that your here

Whether you’re ready to welcome clarity, balance and calm into your life, are at the beginning of your healing journey or wanting to deepen and expand your current practice, your Inward Shift journey awaits.

Inward Shift was created with the intention to provide the space, opportunity & tools for people to pause and shift their attention inward. Its from this space that we are able to connect deeply with ourselves and gain greater life clarity to consciously live a fulfilling life in alignment with our values & goals.


Experience the shift


Using ancient techniques from the Himalayas our Breathwork Journey’s provide the space to clear through the mental chatter and connect deeply with yourself on a sacred journey inward.


Experience the power of active conscious breathing and meditative movements to shift blockages in the body and mind. From this state of peace and alignment you have the ability to fast track your own personal growth and healing allowing you to step in to a space of expansion.


Bypass the thinking mind with traditional time-honoured techniques, each with specific intention and purpose. Feel empowered, connected and aligned as you are taken on a journey to calm & balance the mind and nervous system, release stress & toxins from the bio memory, energise the body, reach higher states of consciousness and pure bliss.


These powerful resources will remain with you to utilise day to day and on your own healing journey. These tools will help you dissolve personal barriers and elevate your life, relationships and experiences.

An opportunity to be
Completely off duty

Sound Bath

The ultimate switch off.

Simply lay peacefully as the sounds and vibrations wash over and through you in our nurturing sound bath meditation. Sound healing offers a therapeutic effect on the mind and body, bringing us back to balance physically, emotionally and energetically.


As your immersed in the restorative frequencies your body is provided the opportunity to switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system for deep rest and repair to take place. From here profound states of relaxation take place, and there’s nothing left for you to do besides let go, surrender and trust the process.

Holistic life coaching

Hiya, I'm Tam

About me

I live and work in Gippsland. I am fortunate enough to have a career that I love in Community Services, an awesome side hustle doing Disability Support and this evolving soul goal of Inward Shift. I am a solo parent to a 10 year old. If you have been to one of our events you may have met Riley, she is a huge help! 

I love connecting with people and adding value to the lives of others, which shows in my work and life.



Over the past 6 years I have been/still on my own healing journey and during this time I have become obsessed with learning and all things self-development. 

I have completed studies in Mental Health, Himalayan Breathwork & Meditation, Sound & Energy Healing, and I am a Holistic Life Coach & MindBody Practitioner.  

I am always learning and evolving and absolutely don't claim to have it all figured out. 

When I don't take the time to shift my attention inward, the wheels fall off. I experience overwhelm, can get caught up in limiting beliefs, anxiety, self-sabotage and the unrealistic expectations that I put on myself. 

Having a consistent inward practice helps me to become anchored in myself and less rattled by the external. I experience life clarity and have the ability to consciously align my choices and behaviors with my goals, values and how I want to show up in the world for myself, Riley and in all relationships and situations.   

I am looking forward to connecting with you soon.



I have a full life... and a busy mind 

The Anchor

Tam  XX


Experience the shift

Are you ready to step into the unfamiliar?

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